品名: 即时霉菌测试笔
规格: 10g/包
用途: 服装、鞋子、箱包、家具等包括yuancailiao
用量: 1个床垫大概4套
价格: 180元/支
iHeir MILDEW TEST KIT即时霉菌测试笔是广州艾浩尔防霉科技有限公司2015年尾最新研发用于测试材料表面霉菌,可检测正常环境下材料表面附着霉菌数量。
第三步:将棉签放回测试管,用力向下按压手柄,直到棉签卡入下方测试液中,迅速摇晃5秒,然后等待大约 10 分钟左右,如果溶液变绿,则代表您的产品表面无霉菌,是干净的!如果溶剂变紫,则代表您的产品表面存在大量霉菌生长,需做适当的防霉处理。因为这个溶液会寻找霉菌中特定的蛋白质和碳水化合物的存在,使其产生“假阳性”的效果,使其变色。但是需要注意的是,某些物质如食品,血液可能会产生“假阳性”结果,因此在测试前需保证测试材料表面没附着食品,血液等物质。溶剂在使用过后,最终会因为受到细菌的侵袭而回逐渐变紫(24小时内)。
1.Remove the swab from the tube.
2.Swab the test surface. Be sure to collect enough sample material by covering an area of at least 16 square inches.(4inches horizontal and vertical)
3.Insert the swab back into the tube, firmly press down on the handle until the swab snaps into the solution chamber. Shake rapidly for at least 5 seconds. Wait up to 10 minutes for results. IF IT’S GREEN IT’S CLEAN!
Because this test looks for the presence of specific proteins and carbohydrates it is subject to false negative and positive results. Certain substances such as food, blood and untreated wood may yield a false positive result. Eventually the solution will turn
purple(usually between 1 hour and 24 hours).